QUIZ: How Well Do You Know Dachshund? | Dachshund Quiz – 30 Q
Rather infamous for their stubborn demeanor, the Dachshunds are quite popular as house pets across the globe. The above quote by renowned writer, E.B. White stands testimony enough for the Dachshund shortcoming. Noteworthy enough, that White was an ardent lover of the breed and owned a Dachshund named Fred. Unarguably, one of the smallest dog breeds, the Dachshund belongs to the hound category. Known for its olfactory abilities, the breed was used for navigating and locating prey by hunting parties. Once, known for its hunting abilities, the Dachshund is now a popular house pet across the globe.
No of Questions: 30
Difficulty Level: Hard
Rules: This is a mode where players can continue to the very end of the quiz even in case of an incorrect answer at the end of the quiz the user will see how many answers he has answered right/wrong.