Can You Guess These Dogue De Bordeaux Mix Breeds Quiz | 11 Q
This dog breed is quite famous because it starred in the tom hanks movie turner and hooch. Dogue De Bordeaux is a pretty loyal breed and territorial as well as self-assured. They require a lot of socialization and training. One of the first things people notice about DDB is that they have a huge head. These kinds of dogs usually seem pretty intimidating, and they protect their homes and families at all costs. Usually Dogue De Bordeaux is docile and sweet. This breed needs experienced dog owners to keep up with them as they need consistent training. If you can meet the dog's demands, then you would have a lovely and loyal companion. Dogue De Bordeaux apadts well to an apartment and small places. It's not a perfect choice for first-time dog owners. They are quite affectionate with their family, and they are kids friendly too. They don't really go well with other dogs and strangers, so you have to be cautious about that. Dogue De Bordeaux has many drooling potentials, and they shed as well, but they are considered easy to groom. They also have the potential for weight gain, so you need to exercise regularly.
No of Questions: 11
Difficulty Level: Medium
Rules: This is a mode where players can continue to the very end of the quiz even in case of an incorrect answer at the end of the quiz the user will see how many answers he has answered right/wrong.